Compelled Duel 5E | D&D 5E Compelled Duel Guide

Compelled Duel 5E

Righteous Paladins are born leaders. Their insurmountable talents and skills help them command allies and foes alike. They can inspire their party to perform beyond capacity. Most interestingly, when the need arises, they can even employ their divine magic to sway the crowd towards their will. 

Paladins serve as purveyors of impartiality and protectors of the vulnerable, making good use of their magical abilities to keep their allies out of harm’s way. The DnD Compelled Duel spell unlocks for Paladins at level 2, allowing them to draw others’ attention magically. With the help of the spell, they can coerce characters into the battlefield for a divinely motivated duel.

Here, we will find out more about the D&D Compelled Duel.

DnD 5E5 Compelled Duel Explained 

First, let’s get the logistics out of the way, before we expand on what the D&D 5E Compelled Duel is. Here are the statistics for this rather interesting spell:

  • Spell List: Paladin
  • Level 1 Enchantment
  • Distance: 30 feet
  • Casting time: 1 bonus action
  • Duration: Concentration up to one minute
  • Components: V

Here’s what the Player’s Handbook has to say about the D&D Compelled Duel:

“You attempt to compel a creature into a duel. One creature that you can see within range must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is drawn to you, compelled by your divine demand.

For the duration, it has disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures other than you, and must make a Wisdom saving throw each time it attempts to move to a space that is more than 30 feet away from you; if it succeeds on this saving throw, this spell doesn’t restrict the target’s movement for that turn.

The spell ends if you attack any other creature, if you cast a spell that targets a hostile creature other than the target, if a creature friendly to you damages the target or casts a harmful spell on it, or if you end your turn more than 30 feet away from the target.”

A level 1 spell available specifically for the Paladin class, the Compelled Duel necessitates tremendous concentration and can potentially last up to a minute. If targeted by the spell, creatures ought to make a Wisdom saving throw to deter being drawn towards the spellcaster.

When attacked by the Compelled Duel 5E, creatures suffer a disadvantage when they try to attack anyone else, barring the spellcasting Paladin. Moreover, if a creature is trying to move beyond 30 feet of the Paladin, he must employ a Wisdom throw immediately. This is worth mentioning as the spell will potentially terminate if the creature moves past 30 feet of the Paladin at the end of the spellcaster’s turn. 

There’s room for interpretation here. Some DMs like to think that failing to employ the saving throw prevents creatures from moving beyond 30 feet of the spellcaster, while others do not believe so. DnD rules are open to the DM’s interpretation at the end of the day, so how your game plays out depends on your DM.

How To Get Compelled Duel 

Only Paladins have access to the DnD 5E Compelled Duel, as it is available only on their spell list. Being a 1st level spell, a Paladin can learn this spell at level 2 itself. With more experience, the Paladin class can better utilize their Compelled Duel ability. 

As they scale up, they start using their arts for good, be it to heal the vulnerable and weak, or punish the wicked.

How Can Players Use Compelled Duels in D&D 5E? 

How Can Players Use Compelled Duels in D&D 5E

Paladins can use their Compelled Duel spell in both defensive and offensive strategies, the most obvious of them being to draw the creature towards the spellcaster and, in turn, protect the allies and friends. Being good at dealing with weapon damage, Paladins can offer a safe space for allies to heal. However, the wonders of the DnD Compelled Duel go beyond protecting the allies. It can be used for tactical combat, as well as to draw out incorrigible, unreachable targets.

Let’s look at the different ways in which players can use the D&D Compelled Duel:

1. Luring Out Enemies

Not every creature will be forthcoming in battle. Some like to keep their distance and look out for themselves, especially with a Paladin in the opponent’s party. With the Compelled Duel spell, Paladins can coerce potential sneakers out into the battleground. If they try to flee, the Paladin gets to put them in place. 

2. Surrounding A Target

If you are playing as Paladin, consider casting the DnD Compelled Duel first and then surrounding them. Since allies cannot attack the said creature while under the Paladin’s spell, they can surely make good use of their movement and surround him. Once the whole party is in position, it gives room for the creature to either surrender out of pressure or for the party to launch an attack at once.

3. Buying More Time for Allies

If you find yourself in a rather challenging fight, each turn counts for a lot. It could prove essential to buy some time for your allies, be it to move out to a new position or to heal enough to recover some HP. Want to distract cumbersome enemies and get your party out of harm’s way? Look no farther than the Compelled Duel 5E.

4. Preventing NPCs from Fleeing

Often, when your party is chasing a notorious target to its hideout, you’ll come face to face with some frustrating minions, giving enough time for the real enemy to escape unharmed. This calls for the DnD Compelled Duel. Let the divine radiance change an evil wizard’s mind if they try to flee. 

Can NPCs Use Compelled Duel? 

If you have been around for a while, you’ll know that spell casting is not exclusive to players only. The Dungeon Master can decide to spice up the game by turning the tables on your party and letting out some spells of their own. For instance, imagine meeting a Paladin serving the unlawful. They can use the Compelled Duel 5E spell to sway enemies and allies alike, often forcing them to fight to their deaths.

Even if your Paladin character is on the good side of the law, you can find yourself on the bad side of an adventuring party, more so if the said party harbors some characters of evil repute.


Paladins have always prided themselves for their charming personalities. As the protector of the weak and the overseer of justice, Paladins benefited greatly from the Compelled Duel 5E. Alternatively, it can prove to be the perfect spell for a boisterous crusader for good if your DM fancies some dramatic flair.

Know your strengths and play accordingly. Happy questing!

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