Elden Ring: Answer To Why Sellen Is Not at Waypoint Ruins

Why Sellen Is Not at Waypoint Ruins

In the vast and mysterious world of Waypoint Ruins, where every corner hides ancient secrets, one enigmatic figure stands conspicuously absent – Sellen. Despite being a key character in the lore, players find themselves questioning the absence of this crucial persona in the ruins.

As adventurers seek answers to unravel the truth, a compelling narrative unfolds. Join us as we delve into the intriguing reasons behind Sellen’s absence, shedding light on the hidden truths and unexplored paths that lie ahead in this enigmatic realm.

 What To Do If Sellen is Not in Waypoint Ruins? 

sellen not in waypoint ruins

There are a few reasons why Sellen might not be in Waypoint Ruins.

  • You may have killed her. If you did, you can use a Celestial Dew to absolve yourself of your sins at the Church of Vows. Once you have done this, Sellen will respawn in Waypoint Ruins.
  • You may have progressed her quest line too far. If you have already given her Sellen’s Primal Glintstone and spoken to Witch Hunter Jerren at Witchbane Ruins, then Sellen will no longer be in Waypoint Ruins. She will instead be found in the Raya Lucaria Academy.
  • There may be a bug in the game. If you have tried all of the above and Sellen is still not in Waypoint Ruins, then it is possible that there is a bug in the game. In this case, you may need to wait for a patch to fix the issue.

 Use Celestial Dew To Bring Sellen Back

Here are the steps on how to use Celestial Dew to absolve yourself of your sins and make Sellen respawn in Waypoint Ruins:

  • Find the Church of Vows in East Liurnia.
  • Speak to Miriel, Pastor of Vows.
  • Tell him that you wish to absolve your sins.
  • Give him a Celestial Dew.
  • Choose Sellen from the list of NPCs you wish to absolve.
  • Sellen will respawn in Waypoint Ruins.

If you have already progressed Sellen’s quest line too far, then you will need to wait until you have completed the Raya Lucaria Academy to find her again. She will be found in the Grand Library, standing in Rennala’s spot.

What is Celestial Dew? 

what does celestial dew do

celestial Dew in Elden Ring is a consumable item that allows players to absolve themselves of certain transgressions against NPCs, such as attacking them or stealing from them. This will cause the NPC to no longer act aggressively towards you and may allow you to continue their questline. However, it will not bring back NPCs that you have killed.

To use Celestial Dew, you must travel to the Church of Vows in East Liurnia. Here, you will find a giant turtle named Miriel, Pastor of Vows. Speak to Miriel and he will offer to absolve you of your sins. You will need to give him one Celestial Dew for each NPC you wish to absolve.

Celestial Dew can be found in a few different locations in the game world. One reliable spot is the Ainsel River Well, which is located in the Liurnia of the Lakes region. You can also find Celestial Dew from some merchants, such as Pidia, and Carian Servant, who can be found in the Roundtable Hold.

Celestial Dew is a relatively rare item, so it is important to use it wisely. If you have accidentally attacked or stolen from an NPC, you can use Celestial Dew to absolve yourself and continue their questline. However, if you have killed an NPC, there is no way to bring them back.

 Celestial Dew Location In Elden Ring 

here are the locations of Celestial Dew in Elden Ring:

  • Pidia, Carian Servant in Caria Manor sells 5 Celestial Dew for 10,000 Runes each.
  • Ainsel River Well in Liurnia of the Lakes has 2 Celestial Dews. One is found on a corpse hanging off a ledge overlooking the Uhl Palace Ruins. The other is found on the ground at Uhl Palace Ruins.
  • Hallowhorn Grounds in Siofra River has 1 Celestial Dew. It is found on a corpse in the corner at the very bottom of a ruin.
  • Night’s Sacred Ground in Siofra River has 1 Celestial Dew. It is found on a corpse by the side of the road.
  • Nokstella Eternal City has 2 Celestial Dews. One is found on a corpse sitting under some ruins. The other is found North of the Nokstella, Eternal City Site of Grace, next to some snails.
  • Main Academy Gate in Raya Lucaria Academy has 1 Celestial Dew. It is found at the base of the gate.

You can use Celestial Dew to absolve your sins at the Church of Vows. This will allow you to resurrect any NPCs that you have killed accidentally.

Sellen Questline In Elden Ring 

elden ring sorcery merchant gone sellen questline in elden ring

Sellen is a Sorceress who can be found in the Waypoint Ruins in Limgrave. She is a powerful mage who has been exiled from the Raya Lucaria Academy for her forbidden research. She offers to teach the Tarnished sorcery if they help her find a new body.

To help Sellen find a new body, the Tarnished must first find Lusat, a sorcerer who is imprisoned in the Sellia Hideaway in Caelid. Lusat is willing to give Sellen his body, but he needs the Tarnished to retrieve the Primal Glintstone from his body. The Primal Glintstone is a powerful crystal that contains Lusat’s soul.

Once the Tarnished retrieves the Primal Glintstone, they can return it to Lusat. Lusat will then give his body to Sellen. Sellen will then move to the Raya Lucaria Grand Library.

However, after defeating Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon, Sellen will transform into a hideous, rock-like creature. She will be unable to speak and will only wail in pain when interacting with others.

To find out what happened to Sellen, the Tarnished must speak to Jerren, a sorcerer who can be found in the Three Sisters. Jerren will tell the Tarnished that Sellen was a heretic who was experimenting with forbidden magic. He believes that Sellen’s transformation is a punishment from the Greater Will, the Outer God that governs the Lands Between.

The Tarnished can choose to help Sellen or kill her. If the Tarnished help Sellen, they can restore her to her former self by defeating Jerren in battle. However, even if the Tarnished helps Sellen, she will still be unable to speak or use magic.

If the Tarnished kill Sellen, they will receive Sellen’s Primal Glintstone. This item can be used to create a new body for Sellen, but it is unclear whether this will actually restore her to her former self.

Ultimately, the fate of Sellen is up to the Tarnished. They can choose to help her, kill her, or simply ignore her. However, her story is a tragic one, and it is a reminder that even the most powerful mages are not immune to the dangers of forbidden knowledge.

Here are some of the rewards that you can get for completing Sellen’s questline:

  • Sorceress Sellen’s Bell Bearing: This is a bell bearing that can be given to the Twin Maiden Husks in the Roundtable Hold to purchase Sellen’s sorceries.
  • Eccentric Armor Set: This set of armor can be found in Sellen’s body after she transforms.
  • Witch’s Glintstone Crown: This is a headpiece that can be found in Sellen’s body after she transforms.
  • Sellen’s Primal Glintstone: This item can be used to create a new body for Sellen, but it is unclear whether this will actually restore her to her former self.

What Happened To Sellen In Elden’s Ring? 

What Happened To Sellen In Elden's Ring elden ring sellen gone

Sellen, a Sorceress in Elden Ring, is a powerful mage who is exiled from the Raya Lucaria Academy for her forbidden research. She can be found imprisoned in the Witchbane Ruins on the Weeping Peninsula, where she asks the Tarnished to help her find a new body.

If the Tarnished helps Sellen find a new body, she will eventually make her way to the Raya Lucaria Grand Library. However, after defeating Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon, Sellen will transform into a hideous, rock-like creature. She will be unable to speak and will only wail in pain when interacting with others.

The cause of Sellen’s transformation is unknown, but it is likely related to her forbidden research. Some believe that she may have been cursed by Rennala, while others believe that she may have simply gone mad from her studies.

Whatever the cause, Sellen’s transformation is a tragic end for a powerful mage. She was a valuable asset to the Raya Lucaria Academy, and her loss is a blow to the world of sorcery.

Here are some theories about what happened to Sellen:

  • She was cursed by Rennala. Rennala is the Queen of the Full Moon and the head of the Raya Lucaria Academy. She is also Sellen’s former teacher. Some believe that Rennala may have cursed Sellen after she was exiled from the academy.
  • She went mad about her studies. Sellen was a powerful mage who was obsessed with forbidden knowledge. It is possible that she may have gone mad from her studies, which led to her transformation.
  • She was possessed by a malevolent spirit. There are a number of malevolent spirits in the Lands Between. It is possible that one of these spirits may have possessed Sellen, which led to her transformation.

Can Sellen Be Saved in Elden Ring?

Sellen cannot be saved in Elden Ring. No matter how far you progress her quest line, she will eventually turn into a Graven Mage and become hostile. You can either kill her or let her live, but there is no way to save her from her fate.

You can either kill Sellen or let her live. If you kill her, you will receive the Sellen’s Bell Bearing, which you can give to the Twin Maiden Husks in the Roundtable Hold to purchase her sorceries. If you let her live, she will remain in the Witchbane Ruins, but she will no longer sell any sorceries.

No matter what you choose to do, Sellen’s fate is ultimately sealed. She is a powerful sorceress who has been corrupted by her own ambition, and there is no way to save her from her own dark path.

In my series of articles on Elden Ring, I’ve covered various aspects of it. If you haven’t already, I recommend reading my previous articles to gain insights and a deeper appreciation for Elden Ring. You can follow the given below links.


The mystery of Sellen’s absence at Waypoint Ruins reveals a tapestry of untold secrets and unanswered questions. Through our exploration, we have uncovered the intricate web of events and character motivations that have led to this enigma.

As players venture deeper into the world of Elden Ring, they will undoubtedly encounter more such mysteries, each adding depth and intrigue to their quest. Embrace the journey, for the truth lies hidden in the shadows, waiting to be unveiled in this unforgettable adventure.

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