Dragonborn Druid | Dragonborn 5e Druid Guide

Dragonborn Druid 5e Guide

The world of Dungeons and Dragons is full of amazing creatures. The races, the classes, and the individuals that play these roles are what make the game so exciting and interesting. The races themselves are only as strong as their groups, and the individuals that play these roles within the groups help push the races in the right direction.

This leads to the creation of incredibly diverse and interesting characters like dragonborn paladin, halfling rogue, tortle, human rogue throughout the game. This diversity is what makes the game fun for everyone. However, what if there was a way to bring the races within the game closer together? What if a race could be stronger than the other races?

A Dragonborn could be stronger than a human, a half-orc, or a dwarven warrior! Thus, the idea for the Dragonborn race was born. We will learn about the dragonborn druid kin, clans, creation and how to play as dragonborn druid in this dragonborn druid Guide.

Dragonborn DND 5e Overview

The origin of the Dragonborn in Dungeons and Dragons 5e is closely tied to the origins of the race in the D&D universe. The D&D universe is primarily based on the Earth but also has pockets of space and time where other fantasy-like settings exist. One of these settings is the Forgotten Realms, an iconic fantasy setting that is the basis for many fantasy games and movies.

The Forgotten Realms setting is the 14th century in flavor, and it includes a humanoid species called the dwarves, an assortment of monsters, and more. The dwarves are the early version of what we would call the “dungeoneers” in D&D. They live in forges, caravanserais, and castles and are the basis for modern-day explorers and adventurers.

1. Kin 

The Dragonborn are a race of winged humanoids that originated in the misty reaches of the abroad. They are the natural hosts of the dragon, an ancient and powerful beast that once wielded dominion over all of Azeroth.

Now, however, it is but a memory, and all that remain are the dragons’ kin—the red dragons in the eastern lands, the black dragons in the west, and the ice and fire-breathing dragons in the north and south. The Dragonborn is a proud and warlike race, and they gladly accept the leadership of the Dragonborn shaman, who serves as their shamanistic leader.

The conversation with the Dragonborn shaman is an important part of the Dragonborn campaign, as the player’s choices will affect the game and even determine the course of the campaign.

2. Clans 

The Dragonborn is a proud and warlike race, and they gladly accept the leadership of the Dragonborn shaman, who serves as their shamanistic leader. The Dragonborn clan includes the following: Warden The warden is the party’s front line, charged with protecting the Druid from harm and escorting her through the wilderness.

He is the master of the two-handed weapon, and his spells include protection from harm and a shield. The warden is perhaps best known for his smash hit, the shield of the Dragonborn.

How To Create A Dragonborn Druid? 

How To Create A Dragonborn Druid? 

To create a Dragonborn druid, consider yourself lucky. There aren’t many places to turn in the world of Dungeons and Dragons 5e, and you are the only one who can create a new race. There are a few ways to go about this. First, decide what your goal is.

Are you trying to create a new race or improve an existing one? If you want to create a new race, consider adding some new features to the existing races. For example, the Dragonborn might have some new disease-like abilities, immunity to electricity, or the ability to travel through water without being harmed.

Second, pick a race to begin with. Remember, this is the new race that will become the default race for your campaign. Third, create a race that is both robust and balanced. You don’t have to balance every single option in the race creation tool, but make sure you have some balance in mind.

Dragornborn Druid Stats ( Ability Score, Skills, Class Feature )

Ability ScoreScore (Modifier)
Strength14 (+2)
Dexterity12 (+1)
Constitution16 (+3)
Intelligence10 (+0)
Wisdom18 (+4)
Charisma8 (-1)
SkillProficiency BonusAbility Score ModifierTotal
Animal Handling+4+4+8
Class FeaturesDescription
SpellcastingCan cast spells from the Druid spell list
Wild ShapeCan transform into a beast form
Druid Circle FeatureGains a feature depending on their chosen circle
Ability Score ImprovementCan increase one ability score by 2, or two by 1 each
Extra AttackCan attack twice instead of once when taking the Attack action
Elemental Wild ShapeCan transform into an elemental creature
Timeless BodyStops aging and no longer needs food or water
ArchdruidCan use Wild Shape an unlimited number of times, and gains other benefits

Dragonborn Druid Feats

Feat NameFeat Description
Elemental AdeptYour spells ignore resistance to damage of a chosen element
Dragon HideYour scales toughen, granting you increased AC
MobileYour speed increases, and you gain other movement benefits
War CasterYou gain advantage on Constitution saving throws for spells and can cast spells as opportunity attacks
Magic InitiateYou learn additional spells from a chosen class
ToughnessYour hit point maximum increases
Savage AttackerYou can reroll the damage of one weapon attack per turn
Great Weapon MasterYou can take a -5 penalty to the attack roll for +10 damage
AlertYou gain a bonus to initiative rolls and can’t be surprised
LuckyYou can reroll certain d20 rolls

How To Play As A Dragonborn Druid? 

How To Play As A Dragonborn Druid? 

As the most powerful Wizard in the game, the warlock is the obvious choice for a druid. However, the Druid’s abilities also make her a great fit for various other classes, including the warrior and the rogue. By dual-purposing as a warrior and a druid, the warlock’s versatility is maximized, and she can fill various roles within the party.

The only downside to this approach is that the warlock must take a rogue talent, which some might find limiting. Other than that, the Druid is a great class to play, providing plenty of healing options and being able to take on a variety of roles.


The race of Dragonborn is a half-Dracolician, half-Dragonborn hybrid, who is half man and half dragon. They are the most powerful race in the game and are usually the main characters in stories set in the D&D world. The Dragonborn can also become a druid but must be chosen wisely, as a druid is not meant just to be a mech or do everything the Dragonborn can do.


One of the most interesting things about the Dragonborn is that they can live forever. They do not age and can continue to gain levels as long as they have health. This may seem strange to say about a race that can live for hundreds or thousands of years but hears me out.

First, the Dragonborn is not always a playable race. Some players prefer a different race at their character’s level 1 and enjoy playing a very different race at level 20 than they did at level 1.

Thus, the idea of the Dragonborn being able to live forever is appealing to these players and could be enough to get them on board. However, there is also a chance that the thinking is more like “what would be the most fun to do?”. It comes down to what kind of player you are.

The best players will be the ones who have an idea for their character’s build and follows through on the idea. When everything lines up the way they want it to and the time is right, they can take their character to the next level. That said, there is a chance that the best players aren’t ready for their build to reach its full potential.

That is why the option to stay a druid is there. A druid can always change their race and subclass at any time, so a druid who loves playing the part of a wildling often changes their race to adapt to their character’s needs.

The best way to decide which Druid build is best for your character is to play the character. What are they doing? What are their strengths and weaknesses? What strategies do they use? It is important to get a feel for your character. Asking these questions helps you determine if there is a build or ability that would work best for your character.

For example, your character is a rogue. They are agile, fast-talkers and love using their wits to get what they want. You have played the character several times, and you know that you have some play editing before the character is ready to go to war. It would be a wasted effort to make the character a warrior or a ranger.

Yes, a Dragonborn druid can wear armor in D&D, but Dragonborn druids are not proficient with heavy armor. And they will suffer a penalty to their armor class if they wear it. May players and DM recommend that a Dragonborn druid stick to lighter armor, such as leather or studded leather armor, to maintain their spellcasting and mobility ability.

In D&D, a Dragonborn druid’s spellcasting works by several factors, including their level, wisdom score, and the specific spells they have learned. A Dragonborn druid has a limited number of spell slots, which they can use to cast spells daily. As Dragonborn druid gain levels, they can learn new spells and gain access to higher-level spell slots.

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